it's been quite a while that i posted something about my life.aww

well, it's all over the news. our place got hit by a storm and almost ruined the place, killed lots of people, ruined even the most elegant cars and houses. i was able to see it, first hand. i was traumatized, seriously. but in compare to the people who really encountered the flood, i know the trauma i have is just too small in amount. but then again, i was traumatized.

just before i left, i volunteered for the evacuees and it's such a great way to celebrate Christmas. as they say, when you give, when you help, it's Christmas.

it saddens me still that the mortality rate is growing till now. but what really made my heart smile is the fact that almost all the citizen of this country,even foreigners helped in sending relief goods for the victims. i might not be a "real" citizen of that place, i go there to study only, but the thought that everyone is working hand in hand and seeing lots of goods in the malls, banks, various establishments waiting to be delivered really warms my heart and to some degree, made the liquid in my eyes pool. i am very thankful for all the people who extended their help in any form. thank you for keeping the victims motivated to go on in life and find happiness in sadness.